Nutri - Homes

Shreeja India’s Nutri - Homes project provided tribal households from 17 villages in Rajnagar, Birbhum with seeds of nutritious fruits, vegetables, necessary tools and training to start kitchen gardens in their home backyards in 2019. The following year the pilot was expanded from 25 households to 70 households. The list of beneficiaries is increasing every year under the project.

Nutri - Homes is helping the members of these households to consume nutritious food and simultaneously aiding to generate alternate income opportunities for the community.

Tribal women are disproportionately affected by under-nutrition and anaemia. They cannot afford nutritious fruits and vegetables from the market. Inadequate knowledge, lack of awareness and poverty make malnutrition a real threat among them.

Shreeja India resolves to address this malnutrition concern through its Nutri-Homes project to help uplift the participating communities.